Monday, June 4, 2012

The plan is no plan.

So I'm watching 'My First Place' and this young couple is a bit crazy.  I'm hoping I'm not that crazy.  The girl just told her boyfriend that if he doesn't "let" her have this house then he's crushing her dreams.  No pressure.  Good luck, couple.

It gives me perspective on the bad news I received today.  The latest offer was rejected.  This puts me in a choose-you-own-adventure-like situation.  I could go one of many ways: 1.) offer more; 2.) give up and move on to the next; 3.) give up completely and move to France.  Even after I make a decision there are a number of ways I could go: 1b.) stick to my budget; 1c.) realize that I could end up over-paying for the neighborhood; 2b.) look for alternate neighborhoods; 2c.) submit the 'impossible dream' offer on the over-taxed house in Shaker; 3b.) how will I pay my bills?

It's really hard for me to make these decisions for myself.  I have been soliciting the opinions of just about everyone within earshot but I know at the end of the day it's just my decision that matters.  If I'm being honest, I'm afraid someone (anyone) will tell me I made a bad decision.  I know that's inevitable because not everyone will think what I'm doing is a good idea.

Update on the couple: they're having about as much luck as I have been.  The girl just confessed that she's decorated every room in the mold-infested house, had their first child and that there's no other house she wants.  The boy just said he refi'd his student loans and her car to free up more money to make her happy.  Trouble ahead, I'm sure.

Every house is perfect until the next house comes along.  That's something that I've learned in my short four months looking for houses.  It's easy to get emotionally involved but as each disappointment comes along, it makes dealing with the next that much easier.  I'm learning, I'm figuring out what I want (and what I don't) and I'll keep looking.  This already feels less disappointing.

Oh!  Also, since I have more of a 'direction' with blogging I am considering changing the name and getting a new header.  I'm having trouble coming up with something clever.  Stay tuned.

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