Friday, November 11, 2011

Tailey and A Random Confession

 No, these photos are not of my driveway.  Nor are they of my Michigan-fan neighbor's car.  They're of Tailey.  As he's a squirrel, he's too fast for me to get any better shots of him, so we'll have to work with these.  He's the little blackish-brown blurb on the sidewalk.

Allow me to explain.  Tailey is a tail-less squirrel that lives in the neighborhood.  Lucky for me, he hangs out around the house a lot.  When I come home from work, he's out in the yard playing; when I'm watching TV in the back room, I can see him climbing up to the roof.  Everyone that comes over is confused about Tailey because he looks, at first glance, like an overgrown rat (sorry Tailey), or possibly a bunny with its ears down, even still - maybe a tail-less cat (till you see him walking on the power lines).  It's especially cute to see him playing with the other squirrels that still have tails.

Also, more randomly, I want to confess that I don't know what "brown butter" is or how to make it.  I see it in recipes for breads, muffins, scones and I avoid those recipes because I'm afraid of "brown butter".  I guess I could Google it.