Sunday, November 25, 2012


Photos can capture what my words often cannot.  So much has happened, friends, and so much has continued to change in me.  I'm starting to find my feet in my new home but I know I still have a long way to go.

Plenty of things that I thought I left behind me have managed to follow me despite being so far away from home.  I was lucky enough to have one thing follow me from home - my mother - who just left after coming out to spend Thanksgiving here.  It felt so good to have her here doing all those familiar things that we do on the holidays - cooking, telling stories, more cooking, laughing.  It made me feel like we're not so far away after all.

I know there are memories that reek of home: Tanqueray and tonics, shopping at Target, listening to all-too-familiar music, Christmas Ale (brought by my mom).  I'm embracing those during this magical time of year.

Meantime, I'll leave you with some pictures.  Some of my new home and some of Thanksgiving.  This year I'm so thankful for my family, my friends - old and new and having a handful of new experiences and learning lessons along the way.