Monday, August 13, 2012

Ohio, I love you

Ohio, my love...

I haven't always known how I felt about you.

I was frivolous with you in my youth - desperately wishing for some place better, more exciting, more exotic.  I didn't bother looking at you for a few years in college when I was busy figuring out my independence.  I've forgotten you on occasion as I've been inside working during your best hours.  You've been with me so long that I started taking advantage of you.  I figured you'd always be here for me; after all, I've crawled all over you, from Cleveland to Columbus to Cincinnati and even Toledo on my way west.  I never gave much thought to your beauty.

Lately, my eyes have been open and I've been looking at you with a bit of a bittersweet feeling in my heart.  I've been enjoying your nature while on the bike trail by my house; I've enjoyed your temperate climate and tendency to always be changing; I enjoy your sunshine and blue skies during those lunch hours when I need a bit of fresh air.  I enjoy that you're the land of my family and that every road is a memory.  I haven't always embraced you but I appreciate you now.  You're better than the justification I've given you prior: "at least we don't have tsunamis/hurricanes/tornadoes."

Here it is: I have a chance for an adventure, Ohio, and it may take me away for a while.  I am beginning to understand that I can keep you in my heart and take you wherever I go.  You will always be my home and I don't have to say it quickly to avoid embarrassment.  I love you, Ohio.  You have so much more to offer the world than just being the misshapen heart of America.  I know that now.

You're beautiful.

