Sunday, April 25, 2010

After all.... this is the year of living healthy

Let's do this.

I’m starting ‘two-a-days’ where I run two times in one day. The brainchild behind this is that I can’t run for long periods of time (I’m not too much of a distance girl) and usually I’m sandwiching the exercise portion of my day between work and class which doesn’t allow for much time anyway. There are a few reasons I’ve decided there’s no choice in the matter of stepping it up.

Reason number one is that I made a commitment to myself that this would be my year of living healthy. I cannot go into my thirties still struggling with my health management. It’s bad enough I’ve spent most of my twenties trying to get a handle on it. Reason number two is that my sister (who formerly termed the elliptical exercises ‘running’ and has a penchant for finer dining establishments like ‘Waffle House’ and ‘Bob Evans’) is losing a crap-ton of weight. She’s working out all the time and got a juicer and was doing a modified cleanse. I know – who is this girl?! It’s not just a competitive thing (okay, maybe some of it is) but I realized that if she can do it, I can do it. I cannot and will not be left in the dust on this, especially when I’m the one always preaching about a healthy lifestyle and watching my cholesterol and watching fats and eating unprocessed foods.

I have to identify the areas of improvement with my food consumption. And while I’m not a huge fan of ‘diets’ (they pretty much set you up for failure either during or after) I have to outline a few rules. I have to limit my bread intake. At least until I start losing weight. Since I don’t eat meat, for the last three years I’ve basically just taken the meat portion off my plate which leaves me eating a lot of pastas and breads to feel ‘full’. I need to cook more. That’s the plan for the summer when I’m not getting up at five a.m. (okay – with the snoozes more like five forty-five), going to work, going running, going to class and going to bed. I’ll have more ‘me’ time and I’m going to use that to my advantage. I just want to be healthy and since I haven’t really devoted the time to it, it’s not a surprise that I’m here, yet again, starting over. I know that R wants to see it not just hear about it. And to be honest, I’d like to see me carry out some action plan and actually accomplish this goal.

Confession: I’m a bit of a quitter. As ugly as that is to say and as much as I hate that about myself, it’s true. That said, it’s something I have to change about myself. When I’m tired of being a brunette I change my hair color, do I not? Shouldn’t the same be true for how I feel about my body? More importantly, I don't want to be a quitter on things that really matter to me. I have always wanted to be a runner. I've always wanted to be able to put on my running shoes and join the likes of those that hit the street before everyone else wakes up and enjoys the air and that alone time. It's almost like a moving meditation. It's something that I want very badly yet can never muster up the determination to push myself for. That has to change.

P.S. I have some fun food blogs that I have to catch up on… coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Ryan. You can do it! This article totally motivated me to be better at eating healthy and exercising at the same time. I'm on top of exercising lately but the eating is not under control so I'm not letting my body change. We need to hang out soon. - Ashley
