Friday, February 26, 2010

It's go time

Alright, it's time for me to get this in gear. And by "this" I mean not just this blog but my life.

In a time when I don't feel any strong direction coming from anywhere (which makes me a bit crazy) I need to take back the control. I made some hefty New Year's Resolutions and I intend on sticking to them. This is the year about living healthy. I'm just getting a bit of a late start blogging about it. Living healthy is not simply limited to my eating and exercise habits (which have always been lacking). It's a holistic approach: mental as well as physical.

I've spent the last two months in 'research' mode. I want to drastically reduce the amount of processed foods I'm taking in; I'm already a vegetarian, I'm trying to limit the starches (since I'm a carb-o-holic) and get more fruits and veggies in. I fully believe in the fundamentals and philosophy of eating well. I have all the tools, yet I feel like I don't know where to begin. Between searching out other 'healthy' blogs and reading health magazines, I am feeling more inspired than I have in a long time. It is my goal to keep up on this blog to help not only myself but maybe on the off-chance that someone out there stumbles upon it who is, like me, seeking inspiration.

I did want to give some kudos to one of the best/most inspiring blogs I've read and that's Eat,Live,Run. Jenna has ignited a fitness fire that has - perhaps - never been there.

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